World leader in Sustainable Development
Costa Rica
āThe Republic of Costa Rica is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east and south, the Pacific Ocean to the west and south and the Caribbean to the east. It is famous for its biodiversity, sheltering 5% of the world’s biodiversity in its 51,100 m2 of land; including beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, cloud forests and a dry forest in the North Pacific selected by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. More than 25% of the country is composed of conservation and natural protected territory.
Furthermore, Costa Rica boasts as the leader in Foreign Direct Investment attraction in Central American and is home to a vast number of multinational companies who have found fertile ground in the country and taken advantage of the highly skilled and cost-effective talent as well as the incentives the Government of Costa Rica offers. The country has become a hub for manufacturing and services for the entire continent.
An open economy
The country has a very open economy and has investment promotion protection agreements (FTAs) with 14 countries. In 2013, 86% of exports of goods from Costa Rica were covered by Free Trade Agreements (FTA). Its main export destinations are: 46.6% USA, 21.9% European Union, 11.6 Central America and 6.9% Asia. Being its number one export product: Electric/Electronic components and followed by medical devices.
Costa Rica takes pride in having more than one hundred and ninety years of democratic tradition, and more than half a century without an army. The army was abolished in 1948, and the money the country saves by not expending in military issues is invested in improving the Costa Ricans' standard of living, which has fostered a culture of social peace.
4,9 Million
3rd in Latin America
āCartago, Costa Rica is known for its scenic views, rich history, and perfect climate. As the country’s original capital city and one of the largest Costa Rican provinces, it is an epicenter of culture and business.
Cartago boasts 11% of the total population of Costa Rica, crowning it the third most populated province in the country, after San Jose and Alajuela. A fertile breeding ground for new companies, the area takes its seat among other prominent Costa Rican cities known for their growing resumes of thriving national and international businesses.
At the crossroads of major trade routes linking the East and West, Cartago is a gateway for imports and exports to the world. The area includes well-established universities, and vocational and technical colleges, which yield a talented labor force whom are highly educated and possess advanced technical expertise.
Cartago is equipped with a new electrical substation, telecommunications networks, and a world-class fiber-optic project covering the whole province. The province is an ideal setting for establishing key business operations in a number of industries.
Excellent transportation
Cartago boasts excellent public transportation options and is close to the country’s main highway, the Pan American Highway. There are several alternate roads that provide access to important trade routes connecting the East and West of Costa Rica.The following nearby major national highways connect Cartago to the Pan American highway:
North Interamerican Highway.
Bernardo Soto.
General Cañas.
Florencio del Castillo.
South Interamerican Highway.
Additionally, Cartago’s public transportation options provide convenient access to the nation's capital. As well, reliable train service connects Cartago to San José, Heredia, and Alajuela.
Public Transportation is available at one block from the park’s main entrance. Additionally, La Lima Free Zone will coordinate a public transportation route exclusively for the park with stops at strategic locations within the park.
478,497 inhabitants at 6,3% urban growth rate.
33,203 is the College student population.
30,751 are the graduates per year.
65,000 is the amount of people who drive to work every day from Cartago to San Jose.